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  • Writer's pictureRiza Korur

COVID-19 Precautions to take with your DFW Courier Service

COVID-19 has affected us all, and most companies have had to adapt in order to make their business as safe as possible for both their employees and customers alike.

When it comes to shipping items during this pandemic, extra precautions must be implemented to ensure all packages handled by multiple people end up in the hands of the proper recipient safely.

Here are 3 simple ways on how to receive packages to minimize the effects of COVID-19:

1. Designate a “Safety Zone” For All Deliveries

Whether you are at home or your office, figure out a good place where delivery drivers can safely drop off your package. This can be in a box, or even a mat outside your front entrance.

By doing this, it will prevent face-to-face time with other people, and it will give you a safe place to sanitize your package before it enters a common area that might contaminate others.

2. Sanitize Every Single Package You Receive

It is important to wipe down any incoming packages with disinfectant wipes. You might want to consider opening the package while you are outside and then disposing of the box immediately before bringing it inside. Some people may think this overkill, but others would rather practice the classic adage says, “better safe than sorry.”

3. Have a Designated Indoor Spot For Packages

If you do not want to disinfect your package outside, figure out a spot indoors where you would be able to clean your package safely. Make sure you place the package on a hard surface and most importantly don’t touch your face while handling the package.

You must never forget to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after you’re done and quickly dispose the packaging. The more you have an established plan to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, the better off you, your family, and coworkers will be.

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